Analysis of the body

Are you slim, healthy, full of energy and exercise for the sheer joy of movement?

Or do you worry daily about how you look and what you have done for your body and still see no permanent change?

With this bioimpedance scale you will find out how much muscle mass you have and, for example, what your progress is with targeted training. Whether your energy intake is sufficient to cover your daily expenditure. Sometimes the opposite is true and clients do not get enough nutrients due to high training doses. The body then automatically reaches into the muscle reserves and you are in a vicious circle...

By taking regular measurements, especially during the training period, you can control its effect.

Course of measurement

With the help of our smart TANITA device, we will analyze your entire body and it will immediately become clear where you need to add and subtract food or exercise and which part of the body to focus on and how. We will give you direction and the possibility of regular check-ups and you will quickly see for yourself if this direction is right for you. We won't need more than 30 seconds and we'll be a lot smarter.

So let's get started! Grab 30 seconds of our TANITY and the analysis will be up. Does this look easy to you? You're right, it's simple and reliable.

Tanita will do a complete analysis:

  • segmental analysis (distribution in different parts of the body)
  • muscle mass
  • fat
  • bone
  • indicator of visceral/liver fat in the body
  • higher basal metabolic rate
  • balance of the body - overloading of certain parts, imbalances
  • total muscle mass in % and kg
  • total body fat in % and kg
  • total body water in % and kg
  • bone mass indicator
  • tracking client progress in all values

The distribution of muscle mass in the body and its balance

It will detect disproportions, overloading of certain areas or abdominal fat.

With this analysis, you will finally discover that weight is not decisive, but that it is the ratio of muscle to fat that matters.

Based on the measured values, you can choose a targeted training plan and adapt your diet to prevent various diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, etc.

So put shyness aside and let's get down to business.

Price list

All prices include VAT
Comprehensive Analysis 250,-
Control analysis 150,-