

Fungal spicules are a type of silica-based biological microspheres that consist of Spongilla Sponge.

They can stimulate the dermis of the skin and start the surface microcirculation of skin cells. They effectively deliver active ingredients to the dermis layer while accelerating cell metabolism in the basal layer. They can be seen as a powder with the naked eye and as sharp rod crystals(needles) under a microscope.

Within 5 minutes, 1.5 to 4,000,000 natural silica microspheres are introduced directly into the dermis layer through manual massage. There is no bleeding and skin integrity is not compromised.

Biomicroneedling shortens the skin renewal cycle from 28 days to 7 days and achieves natural, safe and effective physical rejuvenation.

Crystallite Treatment Sponge Collagen Regeneration Natural Biological Extract Sponge Spicules Skin Cell Renewal Skin Care Acne


After treatment, the skin naturally peels off within 4 days and new skin can be obtained within 7 days. It is painless, non-invasive, completely different from chemicals, all natural, safe for sensitive skin and during pregnancy. Days 4, 5 and 6 the skin peels, may  be dry and will look dirty. By day 7 you will have glowing and radiant skin!                                

Treatment approx. 60 min...............1490Kč
