I've been thinking for a long time how to start and whether to go to market with skin..... I'm a tough girl at heart, a sporty girl who doesn't whine and goes after her dreams and goals. I wanted to be a motivator, a coach and a good role model to the people I helped find their way to a better fitness, lifestyle with joy in movement.
Just a few months ago I was running marathons and movement was part of my everyday life. I felt fit, healthy and full of energy.I took age as just that, a number.....
About a year ago, I started having health problems. I chalked it up to some kind of virus and didn't address it. Pain has been a daily part of my life for a year now. The initial diagnosis was Lyme disease which I have been treated for to date.....now I have a diagnosis of fibromyalgia. There is no need to go into the difficulties of my illness here. I just want to say that I'm in my ninth month without sport, exercise, my work, which I love. So I thought I would share this journey with you, which has no end yet, and try to get back into shape with small steps....I will share here step by step if you are interested and if any of you want to join in. ....
Hey next time