Have you thought about your health while you still have it?
How important a topic and yet still overlooked. How many illnesses and difficulties could be prevented if one would at least occasionally take care of oneself.
It is far from true that slim equals healthy. Even an overweight person can be fit and in shape. But one must take care of oneself and guard one's health closely. We have all seen in the covid era how associated diseases like obesity, diabetes, etc. have worsened the condition and treatment of many people.
You don't have to stick to drastic weight loss diets, torture yourself daily in the gym and run marathons. It's enough to reflect and tweak just a few things from time to time. In the same way that you preventively visit your dentist, GP, etc., you need to take care of your fitness.
The key, however, is to know where you stand. An important piece of information is the ratio of fat to muscle in your body, and especially the amount of visceral, or abdominal, fat. This is very dangerous for our vascular and cardiovascular system.
There is nothing easier than to get measured 1-2 times a year on a bioimpedance scale, which will tell you a lot about your body condition.

It is suitable for all ....men, women and children. And it should be noted that most men have a much higher proportion of abdominal fat in their body compared to women.
The measurement takes just a moment and you know right away how you are doing.
Better not hesitate anymore and start doing something for yourself. Of course, you can make an appointment here
https://www.helena-zemkova.cz/analyza-tela but also anywhere else in your area. Be happy, take care of your HEALTH and prevent diseases.